MG Compression: Not Just for Mud

A review of MudGear Compression Socks from Heather Gollnick


MudGear Compression Socks are not just for mud; they're great for airports and snow too!😊
On my journey to the Spartan race in Alabama earlier this season, I had several travel delays and re-scheduled flights. As I sat in the airport in Dallas, I received notification from American Airlines that I could get “re-booked” on a flight to Mobile, AL. Great news I thought, but it boarded in 15 minutes. I had to get from Gate E47 to B3, and do it fast!! Thankfully I had my MudGear Compression socks on under my dress boots (because I'm stylish that way). I got to the right gate in plenty of time to bust out a few celebratory burpees!    
I like to wear compression when I travel as it helps increase circulation and reduce the risk of swelling.  
What can I say, so many great uses for my Mud Gear Compression - I wore the Pink Compression Socks racing the snowy Spartan Greek Peak. I was so thankful I had them on... as the snow was deep and many fellow racers got scratched up.  Not me, my chins - perfectly fine :) The snow also changes one’s stride as I find myself a bit more up on my toes and using my calves more. The compression socks helped so I wasn't sore after and could get right back into training for the next race. Pretty cool!
-Heather Gollnick 

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