More than Mud - Dylin Moran

More than Mud is an article and interview series dedicated to documenting the incredible characters and stories that we come across in the world of OCR and outdoor adventure and endurance racing events. They range from everyday heroes to extreme athletes but all have unique and engaging stories to tell.

How Did You Get Into OCR Racing?

In high school, I was a Cross Country and Track athlete. I planned to go run in college, but I ended up going to Baylor, which is a big school and super competitive. I had the opportunity to walk on there but initially chose to focus on academics. I regretted this though. I missed competing, so I tried to walk on again my second year, but I had just lost too much of my endurance. I moved on to the Baylor Triathlon team because I missed competing so much.

However, I thought about doing OCR races all the time. I signed up for a Spartan a time or two but every time the people I was supposed to go with, backed out. Finally, after college, and meeting some more like minded people, I did my first OCR event with some people from my local gym in 2015. It was the Caveman Crawl in Dallas. I was stoked.

Unsure of what to wear, I ended up with some Nike shoes, regular Nike socks, and some running shorts. The shoes and socks were by far the worst decision. I took 3rd in that race and that instantly made me believe I had found my calling. Now, I cannot stop doing them and would love to do them every weekend if I could. There is just something about it still being an endurance event, but on steroids.

What Are Some Challenges OCR Has Helped You Overcome?

OCR fills that void where I feel like I can't be competitive or athletic anymore. It gives me an outlet to get away from work and other stress. It just makes me feel more alive.

What Does The OCR Community Mean To You?

Pushing yourself past your limits not matter what that may be for you. We all have different goals but I think OCR allows everyone to meet those goals in someway. Personally, it means being able to be competitive and feel accomplished in my own right. During an OCR, I just feel grateful to be able to do things like that and then the people around you are just so encouraging and help you meet those goals. They want you to do well just as much you want yourself to.

What’s Your Most Memorable Moment In OCR?

The first time I really felt like I was competing in a race was BattleFrog Dallas 2016. The first Battlefrog I had done in Austin 2015 was a rude awakening. The platinum rigs took me forever. However, when I came back for Dallas 2016, I was much more prepared for the rigs, even though there were two per lap. The first lap I went straight through both rigs and I felt ecstatic. It was the best I had ever felt about almost anything.

Coming through on that second lap I had a lot of the race staff telling me I was close to the top guy. I was in 7th place at that point. It did fall a part a little bit on the second lap. I had to take multiple attempts at both rigs and it cost me my place but I still remember the feeling of being in that position and it drives me because it made me realize I was able to compete.

Any Goals Or Race Stats To Share?

In 2015, I only did 2 races. In 2016, I upped that number to 6 races. This next year I hope to be closer to 20. I did qualify for OCR World Championships as well this past year but I was unable to go. I do hope that I can find a way to go in 2017 though.

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Photos courtesy of Spartan Rance and Savage Race

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