Team MudGear 2016 Open Call Winner #2: Ryan Bowyer

Ryan Bower Spartan Race OCR
Photo Credit: Spartan Race

After going through 300+ qualified applications to our open call for Team Mudgear 2016, it’s time to announce our second winner.

Team MudGear is proud to announce our latest addition, Ryan Bowyer.  Ryan overcame physical obstacles to achieve his dreams of earning medals and trophies from Spartan Races, Rugged Maniacs, and Warrior Dashes.  He has channeled his competitive spirit into encouraging students and co-workers to break through their own obstacles as a community coordinator and mentor at Coastal Carolina University, where he has brought many into the sport for the first time.

“I was born club footed in 1987. I spent the first year and a half of my life in extremely difficult casts. As a result, I absolutely have to run on the forefront/balls of my feet because I physically am not able to efficiently run heel to toe. My father used to joke that every runner in a race could be wearing the same uniform but that he could pick me out of a crowd. He always said that running heel-to-toe seemed difficult for me, and it was true. I overcame those limitations and have had an incredibly successful collegiate and post-collegiate running career.  

In my office at Coastal Carolina University, I hang the medals and trophies that I receive from racing. These are often conversation starters with students as they come in and out of my office. All of my student-staff and co-workers know how important being physically fit, active, and racing is to me. Over the years I’ve gotten numerous co-workers and resident directors to race with me.

The obstacles in our races are more than physical barriers – they represent what so many of us have gone through in life. A typical road race often does not have the ability to stop us in our tracks like OCR races. As a result, overcoming and succeeding in these races appeals to so many people. The more people we get to challenge themselves in one of our races the better our world becomes.”

Team MudGear would like to thank all the amazing athletes who applied to be on this year's sponsor team.  Please be on the lookout for more opportunities to join our team later this year.  Thank you for supporting MudGear!



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