Ready to Ruck | 2022 Bataan Memorial Death March

"I'd like to lose 20 - maybe 30 lbs."  It's a common fitness goal. We never hear anyone say, "I'd like to walk around with an extra 30 lbs. all day." Well, that's the plan at the Bataan Memorial Death March. Actually, you're asked to strap on 35 lbs. and ruck the length of a marathon. Start training now, because the March 20, 2022, BMDM at White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo, New Mexico, will be here before you know it. 

Bataan Memorial Death March

Needless to say this is more than a march or a marathon. It's a memorial to the victims and surviving former Poisoners of War of the original Bataan Death March, a brutal season of World War II war crimes.

CMSgt Harold Anthony Bergbower

Here's a picture of the late CMSgt Harold Anthony Bergbower attending BMDM back in 2017 before his passing in 2019 at the age of 99. CMSgt Begbaower was a surviving Bataan POW.   

Visit the Bataan Memorial Death March website to register as a military individual, civilian individual, military team, or civilian team. Be sure to read all rules, packing recommendations (nonperishable foods for donation), as well as COVID restrictions and expectations. 

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