MudGear Fanatic: Cortney Rohde

Fanatic Cortney Rohde (@cortneyrohdefitness) is a Spartan and Super race beast from Texas currently in a rehab phase of training after the birth of her second son. Rohde intends to ace her first postpartum race early next year with a new addition- it will also be the first time her four-year-old son runs the Spartan Kids.
When Rohde isn't focusing on her training, she's a finance writer, mom, and online coach at When she is focused on fitness, Rohde pushes herself to break limits and set further goals. Her favorite quote comes from Jerry Rice: "Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't." We definitely see Rohde doing what others can't.
At home, Rodhe instills values of fitness in her sons. "Fitness is a family affair in our home," she says, "Having my little ones watching from such a young age and joining in has made me work harder than ever before. More than anything, it has inspired me to try new things and chase big goals." Right now, Rohde is challenging herself to hurtle through her debut postpartum race "stronger than ever." Training for, through, and after pregnancy has its own unique set of challenges, and we're excited to see Rohde crush through her better-than-ever goals.
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