More than Mud - Kim Collings

More than Mud is an article and interview series dedicated to documenting the incredible characters and stories that we come across in the world of OCR and outdoor adventure and endurance racing events. They range from everyday heroes to extreme athletes but all have unique and engaging stories to tell.

How Did You Get Into OCR Racing?

An on-line friend from Fitocracy lived in the area. We chatted and had common weight lifting goals. He asked if I would be interested in doing a "Mud Run". I did the Survivor run and then my first Tough Mudder. I was completely hooked. He asked about doing the Spartan race the next year and I reluctantly said yes. Reluctantly because I saw the videos and it looked so much harder. Now I'm a Spartan fanatic. I train all the time to go faster and tackle the obstacles. The first time the rope clicked for me was so amazing and I was so proud. I've continued to conquer obstacles and have a couple to go, but that is part of what makes it so exciting. Working hard and completing those goals you thought were impossible before.

What Are Some Challenges OCR Has Helped You Overcome?

When I got into OCR's and joined the Beast OCR, it was like having a whole new wonderful world open up to me. Besides the excitement of the races, the friends I've made are lifelong and strong. I used to have trouble getting to know people a bit, but our common passion for OCR's has brought us all together and we are truly like family. We go above and beyond for each other. If anyone is in need we make sure they are taken care of 100%! I really feel alive again, instead of just going through the motions of daily life. I love that these wonderful people are sharing the same journey with me!

Oh yes...I also get the age and gender thing. I'll be 51 in December and of course I hear the "you're too old"..."you'll hurt yourself"...."you're a girl" comments. As the saying goes, "When they say you can't, just smile and say Watch Me!".

What Does The OCR Community Mean To You?

I've described it quite a bit in my answer to "What are some challenges OCR has helped you overcome". That really explains my heartfelt adoration for my team and the people I've met through OCR. In addition to the amazing people and "family" I've found, I would say it is a challenge I'm dedicated to for myself and helping others in any way I can. The fulfillment that occurs when a challenge is met is addicting. I love to conquer one more obstacle after weeks of work perfecting it. I love helping others to do the same and see them glow when they do it for the first time. I know that no matter what happens I can count on my team and friends and I would do whatever it takes to help them as well. I've also learned the meaning behind "I will never leave a fallen comrade" by participating in Hurricane Heats. The bond that is created with your team is hard to describe and gives me chills just thinking about the missions we've accomplished together.

What’s Your Most Memorable Moment In OCR?

I'm not sure I could pick one. There were a few that really stood out. My first race, because it was my first race. The first time I climbed a rope with no knots in a race. I went from disbelief as I was going up and rang the bell, to pure joy! The 2x trifecta this first full year of Spartan racing..... that I completed with my "Mud Buddy"...his official title, lol. One last quick story, but this was very memorable to me. The first race I did was Survivor. When we reached the first mud pit. I approached it slowly and my foot squished in the bit of mud leading up to it. It felt weird and I said to myself, "what would my mom say".....then I ran in full speed, laughing and having the best time ever!

Any Goals Or Race Stats To Share?

My 2017 racing goals are big and exciting: 2-3 Spartan Trifectas; UltraBeast; Spartan World Championship and/or OCR World Championship; Tough Mudder (4th time); 12 hour Spartan Hurricane Heat; 12 hour Machete Recon; 12 hour Spartan Hurricane Heat; GoRuck Tough; My first full marathon (Jack & Jill-Snoqualmie, WA); Seattle Half Marathon (6th time); Ragnar; The Big Climb (69 floors in the Columbia Ctr in Seattle), Spartan SGX Training (Currently Spartan X Certified); and.....CLIMB MT. RAINIER!!!! I also plan to finish the Agoge in 2018 to complete my Delta.

For free OCR training tips, get this powerful free OCR Guide: Warrior Strong - How Elite Athletes Become Resilient to Injury in Obstacle Course Racing


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