Rack Up on Rucking Patches

Killer experiences require killer memorabilia. Concerts sell t-shirts; races give medals, and in the rucking world, patches are everything. We attach patches from our favorite events and challenges onto our MudGear tac-hats and 5.11 Tactical Rucksacks. The more patches we earn, the more we want, and there are never enough events to keep our cravings satisfied. Now there's a way to keep the ruck patches flowing like milk and honey.
Rucking Challenges
Whether you’re part of a ruck club or prefer to ruck solo, there aren’t always enough events to keep us motivated - especially in 2020. Rucking Challenges, however, is a subscription service that provides participants with a legitimate rucking challenge every month. When you complete it, you’ll get (you guessed it) a patch to commemorate that month’s challenge. It’s a cool way to set goals and rack up more rucking accessories.

The challenges are always creative and often represent some form of citizenship or service opportunity. For instance, June’s Peanut Butter Challenge encouraged participants to “Load your ruck with as much Peanut Butter (or canned goods) as you can handle and ruck the donation to your local food bank.” The more recent November Ruck the Vote Challenge was to “Load your ruck up heavy. Ruck to your polling station. Vote.” The challenges are great, and the patches are cool and meaningful.

Visit RuckingChallenges.com
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